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I thought I knew, but I didn't

When the Holy Spirit led me that April morning in 2020 to write the words to a beautiful children’s book, I was elated! It took about 10 minutes to write and it was adorable! It was about a little girl who was so afraid because her school was closed and she couldn’t see her friends, and the reason for all of that was that there was a terrible sickness, much worse than the flu. It ended with her being comforted by her dad’s prayer at night and she realized that if God could get us through something that bad, He could get us through anything. The words were so comforting, it rhymed, it seemed to be a perfect little children’s book. But, as you know, April of 2020 was just the beginning. Students were not allowed to go back to finish the school year. So, as I said, in an earlier blog, I sat down and wrote every time I felt led to write, and each time, a new chapter was added to the book until there were six chapters and an epilogue. I did not see that coming. I really had no idea the book was going to be that long. When it was finally finished, which took over a year, I went through a time of wondering why God wasn’t leading me to a publisher when He was clearly the One who had given every single word to me. But, there was so much He wanted me to learn before this book could be published.

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